The NAFM: The Beginning
The NAFM started out as the UFK (Union of Kaznia and Fristehen) and was inteded as an exclusive organisation for
Kaznia and Fristehen. As time went on, it was decided to allow other micronations to join, and thus a change in name was needed,
it was decided to call the union The North Atlantic Federation of Micronations (NAFM). After nearly a week of planning,
the NAFM was established on the 9th of November 2007 with only two member states: Kaznia and Fristehen, these countries were
then founding members of the NAFM. On the 24th January, the NAFM welcomed it's third member, Gemnoviag after Kaznia offered
membership to them. Then welcomed it's fourth member Wiltamshire who had sent a request to join on the 31st March and
where accepted into the NAFM on the 1st April. On the 11th April 2008, the NAFM accepted it's 5th member, The Principality
of Cakeland. The 3rd of May saw the first nation leave the NAFM, this nation was Wiltamshire, the reason for its leave
was due to Wiltamshire comming to an official end by decree of its leader. Bzan joined the NAFM on 22nd May 2008, after their
war of independence from Licentia, however their membership was short lived and they eventually dissolved back into Licentia
after an agreement was reached between them. On 10th October 2008, Gemnoviag resigned from the NAFM, little was done to stop
Past Chairmanship States
November 9th 2007 - January 1st 2008 : The Kingdom of Fristehen
January 1st 2008 - June 3rd 2008 : The Principality of Kaznia
Hune 3rd 2008 - :Cakeland