The Principality of Kaznia
The Principality of Kaznia was founded on 15th february 2007, and had also declared independance that day,
but it has not yet been recognised by England. Kaznia was one of the founding members of the NAFM. Kaznia is a landlocked
country located in south central England.
The Official Kaznian Information website can be found
Fristehen is the oldest member nation in the NAFM, it was founded on 17th August 1995. Fristehen (pronounced Fry-stay-in)
was one of the founding members of the NAFM.
The Official Fristehen website can be found
The Principality of Cakeland
The Principality of Cakeland was founded on the 28th March 2008 and is the youngest micronation in the NAFM, Cakeland
joined the NAFM on the 11th April 2008.
The Official website for Cakeland can be found
The Commonwealth Republic of Avalon
The Commonwealth Republic of Avalon is located in western New Mexico, USA. Avalon is the newest nation to join the NAFM
thus very little is currently known about it.
The Official website of Avalon can be found